
Class 10 History Chapter 8 Movement against British Colonialism in India

Chapter Notes India was called a ‘golden bird’ as it was a prosperous country in the world, and its wealth always attracted invaders. Foreigners came here, attracted by its prosperity. The British were also among these foreigners. In 1600 AD, greedy merchants of Britain jointly formed a company (the East India Company) and started trade with India. By taking advantage of the political instability of India in the eighteenth century, these greedy merchants became political power. Even after becoming a political power, the greed of the company did not go down, but it increased day by day, and the company started exploiting villages and cities, rich and poor, landlords and farmers, kings and subjects, Hindus and Muslims, merchants and artisans equally. In whatever part of India that British imperialism reached, struggles, rebellions and agitations started against it. Forest dwellers, monks, rulers, subjects, artisans, farmers were all suffering from British rule and their exploitative poli...

कक्षा 10 इतिहास पाठ 7 उपनिवेशवाद एवं साम्राज्यवाद

Chapter Notes सोलहवीं सदी में पुनर्जागरण एवं धर्म सुधार आंदोलन के परिणामस्वरूप यूरोप का राजनैतिक, सामाजिक, धार्मिक एवं आर्थिक जागरण हुआ। इस जागरण से विश्व में आधुनिक युग की शुरुआत हुई जिसका नेतृत्व यूरोप ने किया। अपने तैयार माल को बेचने एवं अपने उद्योगों के लिए कच्चा माल प्राप्त करने के लिए यूरोप के देश एशिया एवं अफ्रीका के विशाल भू-भागों की तरफ आकर्षित हुए व इन भागों पर अपना आर्थिक एवं राजनीतिक आधिपत्य स्थापित करने का प्रयास करने लगे। इसी आधिपत्य के प्रयासों को उपनिवेशवाद एवं साम्राज्यवाद का नाम दिया जाता है। उपनिवेशवाद – किसी शक्तिशाली देश द्वारा दूसरे निर्बल और गरीब देशों को अपने अधीन लेकर उनसे आर्थिक लाभ उठाने की प्रवृति उपनिवेशवाद कहलाती है। इसका मुख्य आधार वाणिज्यवाद था। इस प्रकार की नीति का अनुसरण यूरोप में सामान्यतः 1500 ई. से 1750 ई. के बीच किया गया। उन्नीसवीं शताब्दी में इसे साम्राज्यवाद नाम दिया गया। इस काल में यूरोप के लोगों ने विश्व के विभिन्न भागों में उपनिवेश बनाये। इस काल में उपनिवेशवाद में विश्वास के मुख्य कारण थे : लाभ कमाने की लालसा। मातृदेश की शक्ति बढ़ाना। मातृदेश ...

Class 10 History Chapter 7 Colonialism and Imperialism

Chapter Notes The political, social, religious and economic awakening of Europe took place in the sixteenth century as a result of the Renaissance and the Reformation Movement. This awakening marked the beginning of the modern era in the world, which was led by Europe. As a result of this awakening, great changes took place in the methods of farming and in the fields of production in Europe and especially in England, where there was a large amount of surplus production. In order to sell their finished goods and obtain raw materials for their industries, European countries were attracted to the vast territories of Asia and Africa and tried to establish their economic and political hegemony over these parts. The efforts of this hegemony are given the names of colonialism and imperialism. In the present chapter, we shall study the causes of colonialism and imperialism, their nature, their extent and effects. Let’s Learn: Key Points of Study Meaning of imperialism and colonialism a) Condit...

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