Class 10 Political Chapter 8 Challenges to Democracy
Study questions
1. What is meant by political reform?
(a) Reforms in political parties are called political reforms.
(b) All suggestions or proposals regarding various challenges of democracy are called democratic reforms or political reforms.
(c) improvement in political system
(d) Improvement in political activities.
Answer - (b) All suggestions or proposals regarding various challenges of democracy are called democratic reforms or political reforms.
2. Define or mean democracy.
(a) Democracy is that form of governance in which people elect their rulers.
(b) Democracy is another form of parliamentary governance system.
(c) Democracy faces various types of challenges.
(d) The government run through bureaucracy is called democracy.
Answer - (a) Democracy is that form of governance in which people elect their rulers.
3. How can a good democracy be defined?
(a) In a good democracy, the people elect the ruler and the ruler works according to the feelings and aspirations of the people.
(b) Good administrators and good administrative system are the qualities of a good democracy.
(c) Public participation in governance is the quality of a good democracy.
(d) The specialty of a good democracy is that the public should get maximum rights.
Answer - (a) In a good democracy, the people elect the ruler and the ruler works according to the feelings and aspirations of the people.
4. How can democratic reforms be implemented?
(a) Democratic reforms can be implemented through legislation and various policies or formulas.
(b) Democratic reforms can be implemented by the administrative machinery.
(c) Democratic reforms can be implemented through the Planning Commission.
(d) Democratic reforms can be implemented by the Prime Minister's Office.
Answer – (a) Democratic reforms can be implemented through law and various policies or formulas.
5. How many parts of the world do not have democratic governance?
(a) approximately in half
(b) in about one-third parts
(c) in about one-fourth parts
(d) About two-thirds.
Answer – (c) In about one-fourth parts
6. What is called challenge?
(a) Different types of conflict
(b) various types of difficulties
(c) democratic disorder
(d) all of the above
Answer – (b) Various types of difficulties
7. What do you understand by the challenge of expansion?
(a) To implement the basic principles of democratic governance in all areas, all social groups and various institutions.
(b) To make local governments more empowered.
(c) To ensure proper participation of women and minority groups
(d) All of the above.
Answer – (d) All of the above.
8. Mention one challenge of democracy.
(a) Challenge of corrupt administrative system
(b) Challenge of creating base like ending control of army
(c) to get rid of problems
(d) The challenge of eliminating economic inequality.
Answer - (b) Challenge of creating basic base like ending control of army.
9. An example of the challenge of expanding democracy is
(a) To ensure participation of women and minorities
(b) To provide more power to local body governance
(c) Strengthening the Panchayati Raj system
(d) To ensure participation of Dalits and Scheduled Tribes.
Answer – (a) To ensure participation of women and minorities
10. Give an example of the challenge of strengthening democracy.
(a) To improve the functioning of institutions
(b) Bringing reforms in the political party
(c) Decentralization of power
(d) All of the above.
Answer - (a) Improving the functioning of institutions
11. The challenge is to topple the existing non-democratic governance system, end the military's control over power, and establish a sovereign and effective governance system.
(a) Challenge of expansion
(b) Challenge of strengthening democracy
(c) Challenge of creating basic base
(d) All of the above.
Answer - (c) Challenge of creating basic base
12. Which of the following challenges faces every democracy in some form?
(a) Challenge of expansion.
(b) Challenge of strengthening democracy
(c) Challenge of creating basic base
(d) None of the above.
Answer – (b) Challenge of strengthening democracy
II. Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What is meant by secularism?
Answer - If the state does not have any religion of its own and the people living in the state can adopt any religion voluntarily and the state does not discriminate among the citizens on the basis of religion, then this situation is called secularism.
Question 2. What is democratic system?
Answer - It is a system which has people at its center i.e. a government formed by the people, which will work for the interests of the people and will remain in existence only as per the wishes of the people.
Question 3. What is the meaning of illiteracy?
Answer - The situation in which people do not have knowledge of letters i.e. they are not educated is called illiteracy.
Question 4. What is meant by political reform?
Answer: All suggestions or proposals regarding various challenges of democracy are called political reforms.
Question 5. How can democratic reforms be implemented?
Answer – Democratic reforms can be implemented through laws and various policies or formulas.
Question 6. How can a good democracy be defined?
Answer: The people elect the ruler and the ruler works in accordance with the feelings and aspirations of the people.
Question 7. What do you understand by the challenge of expansion?
Answer: The challenge of expansion means implementing the basic principles of democratic governance in all areas, all social groups and various institutions.
Question 8. What are the benefits of new and carefully made laws?
Answer: It may be pleasant to think that the new laws will eliminate all the unwanted things, but it is better to curb this greed. Law certainly has an important role to play in reforms. Carefully drafted laws will discourage bad political practices and encourage good practices.
Question 9. Which can be considered the best law?
Answer: The best laws are those which give people the power to make democratic reforms. The Right to Information Act is a good example of making people informed and active as guardians of democracy. Such a law complements existing laws prohibiting corruption and providing for stringent punishment.
Question 10. What did the Uttar Pradesh government find after a survey?
Answer – The Uttar Pradesh government conducted a survey and found that most of the doctors posted at rural primary health centers were absent. They live in cities, have private practice and visit their place of appointment only once or twice a month. Villagers have to go to the city even for treatment of common diseases.
Question 11. What is meant by communalism?
Answer: When people of one religion consider themselves superior to other religions and degrade other religions for the sake of their own religion, then this tendency is called communalism.
Question 12. Explain the meaning of challenges.
Answer - There are obstacles coming in the way of democracy, without removing which the development of democracy is not possible.
Question 13. How many parts of the world do not have democratic governance?
Answer: About one-fourth of the world does not have democratic governance.
III. Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. Explain any three measures to achieve success in the challenge of expansion.
Answer - See short answer question number 7
Question 2. The challenges of democracy cannot be solved merely by bringing legal-constitutional changes. Justify this statement with examples.
Answer: It may seem very tempting to think of improving politics by making laws. It may be pleasant to think that new laws will eliminate all unwanted things, but it is better to curb this greed. Law certainly has an important role to play in reforms. Carefully drafted laws will discourage bad political practices and encourage good practices. But the challenges of democracy cannot be solved merely by bringing legal constitutional changes. Example: Cricket LVW. By changing the rules of cricket, the negative batting strategy adopted by the batsmen can be reduced, but no one can think that the game of cricket will improve just by changing the rules, it is not right.
Question 3. How are some countries of the world facing the 'challenge of expansion of democracy'?
Answer: Some countries of the world are facing the challenge of expanding democracy. Unitary governance system is prevalent in many countries, in such a situation the center of governance is at one place. Whereas democracy can expand only by empowering local governments, implementing the principles of the federation at a practical level for all units of the federation, ensuring proper participation of women and minority groups, etc., such challenges are
Question 4. How are some countries in the world facing the challenge of building the basic foundation of democracy? Explain with examples.
Answer: One fourth of the world still does not have a democratic governance system. There are very difficult challenges for democracy in these areas. The challenge in these countries is to move towards a democratic system and create the necessary basic foundation to form a democratic government. The challenge is to topple the existing non-democratic governance system, end the military's control over power, and establish a sovereign and effective governance system.
Question 5. Which elements were added in the redefinition of democracy?
Answer - Earlier the definition of democracy was given - Democracy is that form of governance in which people elect their own rulers. After this some more things were added to it - only the rulers elected by the people should take all the decisions.
In elections, people should get adequate opportunity and choice to change the present rulers and express their choice. These options and opportunities should be equally available to everyone.
This method of choosing an option should lead to the formation of a government that will work while respecting the basic rules of the Constitution and the rights of the citizens.
Question 6. Which types of laws are successful in politics?
Answer: Laws that encourage or benefit political activists to do good work are more likely to be successful. The best laws are those that empower the people to enact democratic reforms. The Right to Information Act is a good example of making people informed and active as guardians of democracy. Such a law curbs corruption and complements existing laws prohibiting corruption and imposing harsher penalties.
Question 7. Describe the challenge of expanding democracy in India.
Answer: Most democratic systems face the challenge of their expansion. It involves applying the basic principles of democratic governance to all localities, all social groups and various institutions. There is a need to expand democracy in India also. For this, local institutions will have to be made more empowered. The principles of federal governance will have to be implemented at the practical level, the autonomy of the states will have to be increased, and the Centre's control over the states will have to be reduced. Proper participation of women, minorities and other groups will have to be ensured. People have to be made aware, only then democracy can expand.
Question 8. Describe the essential aspects of democracy.
Answer - Following are some important aspects for democracy: Democratic rights are the major aspect of democracy. This right is not just for voting, contesting elections and forming political organizations. This includes the social and economic rights that a democratic government must provide to its citizens.
Power sharing is considered compatible with the spirit of democracy. Thus, power sharing between governments and social groups is essential for democracy.
Democracy cannot be a dictatorship of the majority or a cruel system of governance and respecting minority voices is very important for democracy.
It is an important task of a democratic system to eliminate every type of discrimination existing in the society.
In a democratic system we must expect some minimum results.
IV. Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. Describe the major challenges facing democracy.
Answer: Different countries face different types of challenges. Following are the three major challenges: The challenge is to move towards a democratic system in the countries of the world which still do not have a democratic governance system and to create the necessary basic foundation to form a democratic government. The challenge is to topple the existing non-democratic governance system, end the military's control over power, and establish a sovereign and effective governance system.
Most established democratic systems face the challenge of their expansion. It involves applying the basic principles of democratic governance to all areas, all social groups and various institutions. Empowering local authorities, implementing the principles of the Union at a practical level for all units of the Union, ensuring proper participation of women and minority groups, etc. are such challenges. It also means that a minimum number of things should remain outside democratic control. India and This challenge is also faced by countries like America, one of the oldest democracies in the world.
The third challenge is to strengthen democracy. Every democratic system faces this challenge in some form or the other. This includes strengthening democratic institutions and practices. This work should be done in such a way that people can fulfill their expectations related to democracy. But in different societies the common man has different expectations from democracy. Therefore this challenge takes different meanings and different forms in different parts of the world. In short, it means improving and strengthening the functioning of institutions, so that people's participation and control increases. This requires reducing the control and influence of the rich and influential on the decision-making process.
Question 2. Define a good democracy. Explain its main features.
Answer: Democracy is that form of governance in which people elect their rulers themselves. These rulers make laws following the basic rules of the Constitution and the rights of the citizens. In elections, people get ample opportunity and choice to change the rulers and express their choice. Everyone gets these opportunities equally.
Main features of democratic governance –
In a democratic governance, the ultimate power is in the hands of the people. The people elect their rulers and can remove them from their posts whenever they want.
In a democratic governance, the government is accountable to the people, hence it makes laws keeping in mind the rules of the Constitution and the interests of the people.
In democratic countries, apart from voting, contesting elections and forming political organizations, people also get various social and economic rights.
Democratic governance can resolve the differences existing in the society in a peaceful manner. Democracy tries to reduce various social conflicts.
In a democracy, citizens have every right to criticize the wrong policies of the government.
Democracy protects the interests of the majority community of the country as well as the minority community.
A good democratic governance will be one in which more and more people show maximum participation. The public should give its opinion on government issues, if the public is politically educated then it will be able to participate in democracy, which is the main characteristic of a good democracy.
For a good democracy, free and fair elections should be conducted. So that the right representatives can be elected and come into the government.
In a democratic country, people enjoy political equality. Any person can go into government and form a political party.
In a democratic country the government tries to reduce various types of inequalities.
Thus there are many characteristics of a good democracy. Where all these characteristics are present, no one can stop democracy from succeeding.
Question 3. Describe various political reforms.
Answer - All suggestions or proposals regarding various challenges of democracy are called democratic reforms or political reforms. The following political reforms can be done in any democratic country: Political reforms can be done to some extent by making laws. By making laws carefully, we will discourage wrong political practices and encourage good functioning.
Legal changes sometimes have counterproductive consequences. Generally, laws that prohibit something are not very successful in politics. Laws that incentivize or benefit political activists for doing good are more likely to succeed. The best laws are those that empower the people to enact democratic reforms. The Right to Information Act is a good example of making people informed and active as guardians of democracy. Such a law curbs corruption and complements existing laws prohibiting corruption and providing for harsher penalties.
Democratic reforms are mainly carried out by political parties. Therefore, the focus of political reforms should be primarily on strengthening democratic functioning. This can improve the level and quality of political participation of the common citizen.
In any proposal for political reform, along with the concern for good solutions, there should also be a thought as to who will implement them and why? It is not wise to assume that Parliament will make a law which is against the interests of every political party and MP. But measures that rely on democratic movements, civil organizations and the media are likely to succeed.
Question 4. What things have been included in the new definition of democracy?
Answer: These things have been included in the new definition of democracy –
1. What is meant by political reform?
(a) Reforms in political parties are called political reforms.
(b) All suggestions or proposals regarding various challenges of democracy are called democratic reforms or political reforms.
(c) improvement in political system
(d) Improvement in political activities.
Answer - (b) All suggestions or proposals regarding various challenges of democracy are called democratic reforms or political reforms.
2. Define or mean democracy.
(a) Democracy is that form of governance in which people elect their rulers.
(b) Democracy is another form of parliamentary governance system.
(c) Democracy faces various types of challenges.
(d) The government run through bureaucracy is called democracy.
Answer - (a) Democracy is that form of governance in which people elect their rulers.
3. How can a good democracy be defined?
(a) In a good democracy, the people elect the ruler and the ruler works according to the feelings and aspirations of the people.
(b) Good administrators and good administrative system are the qualities of a good democracy.
(c) Public participation in governance is the quality of a good democracy.
(d) The specialty of a good democracy is that the public should get maximum rights.
Answer - (a) In a good democracy, the people elect the ruler and the ruler works according to the feelings and aspirations of the people.
4. How can democratic reforms be implemented?
(a) Democratic reforms can be implemented through legislation and various policies or formulas.
(b) Democratic reforms can be implemented by the administrative machinery.
(c) Democratic reforms can be implemented through the Planning Commission.
(d) Democratic reforms can be implemented by the Prime Minister's Office.
Answer – (a) Democratic reforms can be implemented through law and various policies or formulas.
5. How many parts of the world do not have democratic governance?
(a) approximately in half
(b) in about one-third parts
(c) in about one-fourth parts
(d) About two-thirds.
Answer – (c) In about one-fourth parts
6. What is called challenge?
(a) Different types of conflict
(b) various types of difficulties
(c) democratic disorder
(d) all of the above
Answer – (b) Various types of difficulties
7. What do you understand by the challenge of expansion?
(a) To implement the basic principles of democratic governance in all areas, all social groups and various institutions.
(b) To make local governments more empowered.
(c) To ensure proper participation of women and minority groups
(d) All of the above.
Answer – (d) All of the above.
8. Mention one challenge of democracy.
(a) Challenge of corrupt administrative system
(b) Challenge of creating base like ending control of army
(c) to get rid of problems
(d) The challenge of eliminating economic inequality.
Answer - (b) Challenge of creating basic base like ending control of army.
9. An example of the challenge of expanding democracy is
(a) To ensure participation of women and minorities
(b) To provide more power to local body governance
(c) Strengthening the Panchayati Raj system
(d) To ensure participation of Dalits and Scheduled Tribes.
Answer – (a) To ensure participation of women and minorities
10. Give an example of the challenge of strengthening democracy.
(a) To improve the functioning of institutions
(b) Bringing reforms in the political party
(c) Decentralization of power
(d) All of the above.
Answer - (a) Improving the functioning of institutions
11. The challenge is to topple the existing non-democratic governance system, end the military's control over power, and establish a sovereign and effective governance system.
(a) Challenge of expansion
(b) Challenge of strengthening democracy
(c) Challenge of creating basic base
(d) All of the above.
Answer - (c) Challenge of creating basic base
12. Which of the following challenges faces every democracy in some form?
(a) Challenge of expansion.
(b) Challenge of strengthening democracy
(c) Challenge of creating basic base
(d) None of the above.
Answer – (b) Challenge of strengthening democracy
II. Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What is meant by secularism?
Answer - If the state does not have any religion of its own and the people living in the state can adopt any religion voluntarily and the state does not discriminate among the citizens on the basis of religion, then this situation is called secularism.
Question 2. What is democratic system?
Answer - It is a system which has people at its center i.e. a government formed by the people, which will work for the interests of the people and will remain in existence only as per the wishes of the people.
Question 3. What is the meaning of illiteracy?
Answer - The situation in which people do not have knowledge of letters i.e. they are not educated is called illiteracy.
Question 4. What is meant by political reform?
Answer: All suggestions or proposals regarding various challenges of democracy are called political reforms.
Question 5. How can democratic reforms be implemented?
Answer – Democratic reforms can be implemented through laws and various policies or formulas.
Question 6. How can a good democracy be defined?
Answer: The people elect the ruler and the ruler works in accordance with the feelings and aspirations of the people.
Question 7. What do you understand by the challenge of expansion?
Answer: The challenge of expansion means implementing the basic principles of democratic governance in all areas, all social groups and various institutions.
Question 8. What are the benefits of new and carefully made laws?
Answer: It may be pleasant to think that the new laws will eliminate all the unwanted things, but it is better to curb this greed. Law certainly has an important role to play in reforms. Carefully drafted laws will discourage bad political practices and encourage good practices.
Question 9. Which can be considered the best law?
Answer: The best laws are those which give people the power to make democratic reforms. The Right to Information Act is a good example of making people informed and active as guardians of democracy. Such a law complements existing laws prohibiting corruption and providing for stringent punishment.
Question 10. What did the Uttar Pradesh government find after a survey?
Answer – The Uttar Pradesh government conducted a survey and found that most of the doctors posted at rural primary health centers were absent. They live in cities, have private practice and visit their place of appointment only once or twice a month. Villagers have to go to the city even for treatment of common diseases.
Question 11. What is meant by communalism?
Answer: When people of one religion consider themselves superior to other religions and degrade other religions for the sake of their own religion, then this tendency is called communalism.
Question 12. Explain the meaning of challenges.
Answer - There are obstacles coming in the way of democracy, without removing which the development of democracy is not possible.
Question 13. How many parts of the world do not have democratic governance?
Answer: About one-fourth of the world does not have democratic governance.
III. Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. Explain any three measures to achieve success in the challenge of expansion.
Answer - See short answer question number 7
Question 2. The challenges of democracy cannot be solved merely by bringing legal-constitutional changes. Justify this statement with examples.
Answer: It may seem very tempting to think of improving politics by making laws. It may be pleasant to think that new laws will eliminate all unwanted things, but it is better to curb this greed. Law certainly has an important role to play in reforms. Carefully drafted laws will discourage bad political practices and encourage good practices. But the challenges of democracy cannot be solved merely by bringing legal constitutional changes. Example: Cricket LVW. By changing the rules of cricket, the negative batting strategy adopted by the batsmen can be reduced, but no one can think that the game of cricket will improve just by changing the rules, it is not right.
Question 3. How are some countries of the world facing the 'challenge of expansion of democracy'?
Answer: Some countries of the world are facing the challenge of expanding democracy. Unitary governance system is prevalent in many countries, in such a situation the center of governance is at one place. Whereas democracy can expand only by empowering local governments, implementing the principles of the federation at a practical level for all units of the federation, ensuring proper participation of women and minority groups, etc., such challenges are
Question 4. How are some countries in the world facing the challenge of building the basic foundation of democracy? Explain with examples.
Answer: One fourth of the world still does not have a democratic governance system. There are very difficult challenges for democracy in these areas. The challenge in these countries is to move towards a democratic system and create the necessary basic foundation to form a democratic government. The challenge is to topple the existing non-democratic governance system, end the military's control over power, and establish a sovereign and effective governance system.
Question 5. Which elements were added in the redefinition of democracy?
Answer - Earlier the definition of democracy was given - Democracy is that form of governance in which people elect their own rulers. After this some more things were added to it - only the rulers elected by the people should take all the decisions.
In elections, people should get adequate opportunity and choice to change the present rulers and express their choice. These options and opportunities should be equally available to everyone.
This method of choosing an option should lead to the formation of a government that will work while respecting the basic rules of the Constitution and the rights of the citizens.
Question 6. Which types of laws are successful in politics?
Answer: Laws that encourage or benefit political activists to do good work are more likely to be successful. The best laws are those that empower the people to enact democratic reforms. The Right to Information Act is a good example of making people informed and active as guardians of democracy. Such a law curbs corruption and complements existing laws prohibiting corruption and imposing harsher penalties.
Question 7. Describe the challenge of expanding democracy in India.
Answer: Most democratic systems face the challenge of their expansion. It involves applying the basic principles of democratic governance to all localities, all social groups and various institutions. There is a need to expand democracy in India also. For this, local institutions will have to be made more empowered. The principles of federal governance will have to be implemented at the practical level, the autonomy of the states will have to be increased, and the Centre's control over the states will have to be reduced. Proper participation of women, minorities and other groups will have to be ensured. People have to be made aware, only then democracy can expand.
Question 8. Describe the essential aspects of democracy.
Answer - Following are some important aspects for democracy: Democratic rights are the major aspect of democracy. This right is not just for voting, contesting elections and forming political organizations. This includes the social and economic rights that a democratic government must provide to its citizens.
Power sharing is considered compatible with the spirit of democracy. Thus, power sharing between governments and social groups is essential for democracy.
Democracy cannot be a dictatorship of the majority or a cruel system of governance and respecting minority voices is very important for democracy.
It is an important task of a democratic system to eliminate every type of discrimination existing in the society.
In a democratic system we must expect some minimum results.
IV. Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. Describe the major challenges facing democracy.
Answer: Different countries face different types of challenges. Following are the three major challenges: The challenge is to move towards a democratic system in the countries of the world which still do not have a democratic governance system and to create the necessary basic foundation to form a democratic government. The challenge is to topple the existing non-democratic governance system, end the military's control over power, and establish a sovereign and effective governance system.
Most established democratic systems face the challenge of their expansion. It involves applying the basic principles of democratic governance to all areas, all social groups and various institutions. Empowering local authorities, implementing the principles of the Union at a practical level for all units of the Union, ensuring proper participation of women and minority groups, etc. are such challenges. It also means that a minimum number of things should remain outside democratic control. India and This challenge is also faced by countries like America, one of the oldest democracies in the world.
The third challenge is to strengthen democracy. Every democratic system faces this challenge in some form or the other. This includes strengthening democratic institutions and practices. This work should be done in such a way that people can fulfill their expectations related to democracy. But in different societies the common man has different expectations from democracy. Therefore this challenge takes different meanings and different forms in different parts of the world. In short, it means improving and strengthening the functioning of institutions, so that people's participation and control increases. This requires reducing the control and influence of the rich and influential on the decision-making process.
Question 2. Define a good democracy. Explain its main features.
Answer: Democracy is that form of governance in which people elect their rulers themselves. These rulers make laws following the basic rules of the Constitution and the rights of the citizens. In elections, people get ample opportunity and choice to change the rulers and express their choice. Everyone gets these opportunities equally.
Main features of democratic governance –
In a democratic governance, the ultimate power is in the hands of the people. The people elect their rulers and can remove them from their posts whenever they want.
In a democratic governance, the government is accountable to the people, hence it makes laws keeping in mind the rules of the Constitution and the interests of the people.
In democratic countries, apart from voting, contesting elections and forming political organizations, people also get various social and economic rights.
Democratic governance can resolve the differences existing in the society in a peaceful manner. Democracy tries to reduce various social conflicts.
In a democracy, citizens have every right to criticize the wrong policies of the government.
Democracy protects the interests of the majority community of the country as well as the minority community.
A good democratic governance will be one in which more and more people show maximum participation. The public should give its opinion on government issues, if the public is politically educated then it will be able to participate in democracy, which is the main characteristic of a good democracy.
For a good democracy, free and fair elections should be conducted. So that the right representatives can be elected and come into the government.
In a democratic country, people enjoy political equality. Any person can go into government and form a political party.
In a democratic country the government tries to reduce various types of inequalities.
Thus there are many characteristics of a good democracy. Where all these characteristics are present, no one can stop democracy from succeeding.
Question 3. Describe various political reforms.
Answer - All suggestions or proposals regarding various challenges of democracy are called democratic reforms or political reforms. The following political reforms can be done in any democratic country: Political reforms can be done to some extent by making laws. By making laws carefully, we will discourage wrong political practices and encourage good functioning.
Legal changes sometimes have counterproductive consequences. Generally, laws that prohibit something are not very successful in politics. Laws that incentivize or benefit political activists for doing good are more likely to succeed. The best laws are those that empower the people to enact democratic reforms. The Right to Information Act is a good example of making people informed and active as guardians of democracy. Such a law curbs corruption and complements existing laws prohibiting corruption and providing for harsher penalties.
Democratic reforms are mainly carried out by political parties. Therefore, the focus of political reforms should be primarily on strengthening democratic functioning. This can improve the level and quality of political participation of the common citizen.
In any proposal for political reform, along with the concern for good solutions, there should also be a thought as to who will implement them and why? It is not wise to assume that Parliament will make a law which is against the interests of every political party and MP. But measures that rely on democratic movements, civil organizations and the media are likely to succeed.
Question 4. What things have been included in the new definition of democracy?
Answer: These things have been included in the new definition of democracy –
Only the rulers elected by the people should take all the major decisions.
In elections, people should get adequate opportunity and choice to change the present rulers and express their choice. Everyone should get these options and opportunities on an equal basis.
This method of choosing an option should lead to the formation of a government that will work following the basic rules of the Constitution and the rights of the citizens.
Those ideals of democracy should be included in it so that a distinction can be made between democratic and non-democratic governments.
In a democratic system, social and economic rights should be discussed along with democratic rights.
In a democratic system, there should be sharing of power among social groups.
In a democracy, the voice of minorities should also be respected.
Every form of discrimination should be destroyed.
In a democratic system we must make efforts to achieve some results.
In elections, people should get adequate opportunity and choice to change the present rulers and express their choice. Everyone should get these options and opportunities on an equal basis.
This method of choosing an option should lead to the formation of a government that will work following the basic rules of the Constitution and the rights of the citizens.
Those ideals of democracy should be included in it so that a distinction can be made between democratic and non-democratic governments.
In a democratic system, social and economic rights should be discussed along with democratic rights.
In a democratic system, there should be sharing of power among social groups.
In a democracy, the voice of minorities should also be respected.
Every form of discrimination should be destroyed.
In a democratic system we must make efforts to achieve some results.
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